We, at TwarIT, want to set up a medium that facilitates eV adoption in the country.We are developing technologies and building necessary infrastructure to facilitate the same. We intend to promote eV adoption by creating an ecosystem of efficient charging infrastructure and application oriented fleets.
eV Charging
eV Fleet
Our expertise lies in developing and manufacturing products, systems, software and services that add value to transportation and logistics management. We think and work end-to-end with ideas for better transport operations as well as offering world class user experience to the citizen.
A skilled engineer, planner and strategist - Pankaj is specialized in infrastructure and energy investments and has the passion for transforming mobility ecosystem that should lead to better quality of life for all transportation users.
Rounak built his career in the energy business, bringing in his expertise in technology consulting and turnaround of tech businesses. Today, he is pioneering the use of innovative modules in renewable energy like forensic engineering, which shows great promise in reducing capital and O & M costs.
TwarIT is in the pursuit of offering Implementable, Integrated and Intelligent eV transportation solutions by leveraging advanced AI and IoT service platforms.
We pick up key insights, design and develop platforms, set operations and implement projects that integrate users/citizens to E-transit. Ourpeople come with expertise to team up and deliver to the last mile, satisfying all stakeholders.
Our innate drive is to play a significant role in reducing congestion on roads, reducing pollution and bring sustainability for communities and generations to come.